£162.00 GBP


Royal Identity E-Course + Workbook

Purchase the Royal Identity E-Course & Workbook today and you'll receive:

  • Teaching videos & notes for 17 identity modules.
  • Testimonies of breakthrough for you to partner with.
  • Powerful activations to bring personal transformation.
  • A hard copy of the KLM Identity Workbook

This course on Royal Identity teaches us to learn, grow and live in our identity as sons and daughters of God. We will look at subjects such as: the believer’s authority, sonship, righteousness, having a transformed mind, the goodness of God, honour, our royal Priesthood, joy and much more.

As you journey through this course you will find that many teaching moments are followed by a testimony to build your faith. When we hear how God is able to break through in the lives of others, we can stand in faith for God to do the same in us.

Then, and most importantly, each teaching topic is followed by activation. Our heart at KLM is not to simply provide more knowledge (after all, we know you can find that in lots of different places) but to empower and equip you to take that knowledge and make it transformative in your own life. This is done by activating truth until it becomes second nature to us. So you will find yourself faced with some questions to work through and some activities to do. We strongly encourage you to not move on until these are completed - this is the life-changing part.

This is an opportunity for you to discover who you are and what you were made for!

We can't wait for you to get stuck in and experience all that God has for you.